Thursday, August 18, 2011

Time for Leaving

Hi everyone. Finished my third year first semester like a finally. 

In another 7 hours later, I gonna leave here-Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Time for leaving, time for let go.

Is still worrying about him, is he okay and doing fine now.
No matter how hurt you get from a person, when he disappear just suddenly, you will still worrying and care is he/she okay.
Sometime, you know maybe the he/she just wanna disappear from your life and hope you too. That's why they chose to hide themselves up. Even you just care and wish to know whether he/she is in safely.

In the end, I wish I will have a fresh trip. When I back, I hope the me will be different from the one now.

P/S: Just wish you are safe.

Lotsa love,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To the Majestic, Miraculous, Awesome and Amazing God

To the Majestic, Miraculous, Awesome and Amazing God,

Father in heaven, please give me strength and power to move on for the future that You planned for me.
Let Your Holy Spirit open my eyes to see and ears to hear Your miracle dream for me.

From Your daughter,

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