Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yummy Lovely Yum-licious Timess

Hey hey hey. Everyone out there. Ermmm.I know all of you was missing me for sure right? Lol. Sorry.I am so hyper now, a bit narcissistic, don't blame on me pleaseeeee. Hahaha. No idea what i was talking about. Just know I get to rest FINALLY!! Woohuu!!! Slept for 5 hours in noon time after I finished all of my assignments plus presentation today. First group presenter plus I was get sick from last week until now, but I am still pleased with what I was performed in my presentation today. 85% for myself in a bad madly coughing situation. hehehe. Okay. I know what you all waiting for-Yum-licious. Come come here we go.

Me and My Tall Handsome went for dating time yesterday, actually it was for relaxing my brain for the important presentation today (Correctly was yesterday.Lol). Gardens is always our favorite. 

Before the movie, Crystal Jade is our tea time. I love the steamed meat dumpling so much, especially with the vinegar and soy sauce. Yum-yummmmm. We ordered steamed chicken with chili sauce and guiling jelly as well. My Mister loved the guiling jelly so much but me just so-so cause I don't really like the bitter mix sweet tastes. For the steamed chicken with chili sauce, I can say I don't like at all since it is totally cold just like only take out from freezer. Anyway, I only care about the 'xiaolongbao'. teehee^.^

After that was movie time-World Invasion-Battle Los Angeles by director Jonathan Liebesman. Was a nice and excited movie and My Tall Handsome said it seems like COD. I don't know whether it looks same since I am not well in online game cause I don't like it actually. hahaha.

Movie time passed and we went for dinner. Garden which we wanna try in Sunway Pyramid but didn't get the chance and now we tried in Mid Valley, Gardens instead. I like there much since the environment was so attractive and beautiful. I hope my wedding dinner can get like that as well. Imaging that, fully cover by white rose with the natural feel in a wide garden. Everyone is enjoying the beautiful place and licious foods with champagne and white wine. Music spreading all around and invitees are dancing on the grassland. Cool right?? I know that. hahaha. But the most important of course is the church which I wanna held for my wedding. I hope I can make it true in oversea. Rome if can, I hope and wish so. hahaha. But think that is still too far for me, imaging for now will do. Lol. Okay, back for the topic. The most special is there have a big white grand piano in a white big birdcage and a upstairs area which designed like that you are having a dinner in the air. The stages which linked to upstairs is so Princess style for me. Overall at there is nice since the food is really yumm-licious too. And I love the most^.^

So now,pichass show time.^.^

In Crystal Jade. Act cool. Lol


My Tall Handsome favorite-Guiling Jelly

Steamed chicken with chili sauce. SO COLDDDD


Yumm-yummy licious : D

Nice flower smelling

Gardens menu

There have lots of famous quotation in the menu

The one I love most cause it is so meaningful



Our same favorite-onion ring and mash potato 

The view from Garden Restaurant

Looks tired I know 

The upstairs area like in the air

Was taken by the staff. A bit ermmmm...

The White grand piano in the White birdcage.

The Garden

The End 

There have more pictures in my facebook.Please check that out if you are interested.
I gonna sleep now.Coughing badly.
Stay tuned people.
Love ya.

Lotsa love,


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