Thursday, April 21, 2011


Life is just so boundaryless. Random just feel to say so. But it is so meaningful to me. Lol

Sorry for no update in this period. Was busying with my final exam in last week. Finally it is HOLIDAY now on. By the way, 2 papers in one day is just so terrible. My hand is gonna broken just like that. Wrote non-stop in 6 hours of time. Oh god. Anyway, it is over now just like my year2 last semester. Gonna fight for my last year start in next month. Gambateh.

Went for relaxation after my all final. Kuchai Lama have a lots of nice food, hope it is not too late for me to realized it. 

100'c Steamboat, Teppanyaki & BBQ@Kuchai Lama

My favor, tomyam steamboat

Recently addicted by hot Choco-la-cino 

Look at his eating pattern will just feel the foods so niceeeee : )

Like a home right? Lovely home.

      But too bad it is not a home. Is a home style fashion house.
Top & Bottom Boutique@Kuchai Lama

I know I looks tired. But am still happy. Like HIM. : )

This is some random pichas I took before my final.
On Facetime with My Mister when I having my exam week.
Did not met the whole week.


Waiting for the private party begin

Will have lotsssss of trip afterwards.
Will try to update you all soon.

With lotsa love,


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