Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie ♥

Hi people!!! I am back again. No class for today, stayed at home to do my individual assignment plus tidy up my room. Received a netbook from TM this morning, thanks for the helping of Mr. Lionel so that I can get it finally. Cooked for my brunch today, alone with the Heroes at home after done my assignment and housework until evening. After that went for Times Square to search some nice apparel for the Ginfen Baby's birthday celebration. Now only got to home. Had some talk with the one too. Anyway, this is what I had done today. =)

Okay, back to the main point for this post today. As the title, Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie . Went for it before my examsss last week. Sorry for now only posting up since I am free finally ( but just at this moment, assignmentsss is coming up and then final soon. =$ ) 

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie  , a warm and lovely French-style bakery and cafe where you can savour soft, warm and superbly fresh breads and pastries while enjoying a cup of coffee. At Levain, breads and pastries are baked all day using natural yeast, in a traditional stone oven which imparts a unique flavor and texture to the breads and pastries. You can find it out in the quiet streets off Jalan Imbi, where colonial-style bungalows dot the landscape. Enjoy it.
Now, let the pictures do the talking again. =)
Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie

I do not know what is this called. 
But it tastes mixed up with strawberry and chocolate.
Sweet plus a bit sour.
Good taste.

Apple Pie

Strawberry Apple Tart
This is seriously nice.

Cheese Tart

My favor, Iced Chocolate 

Some kind of sandwich, the vegie and meat is so fulfilled.


Round Round Pizza 


This is the most I love in Levain.
Mushroom soup!!!!
I never ever try such delicious mushroom soup as this before.
Must try once you get there.

Our brunch 

Su Ching 

Willibrord and Su Ching
The sweet couple plus my housemate plus my good friends 

 Me and Lauraine 

Cookies & Cakes


Stone Oven

Cutie and colourful Macaroon from Levain 

End up with ME again

That's all for today again people. Gotta rest. Toodles. Love ya all.

Lotsa love,

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Foods

Looked back the album I have, only realized that there are so long I did not post any nice food up here. I am sorry. Just finished my exam today, so this post gonna summarize all the nice foods that I tasted recently. I am enjoying with it while blogging and listening " Like A Rose" from A1. *Find this song then you will fall with it same as me even it is an oldie.* Hope you guys enjoy it too. 

Let's the picture do the talking here.

Zouk Cafe Bar@The Gardens
 Primavera Pasta and a slice of Garlic Bread 

Medium well Beef Burger set 

Delicious@Mid Valley Mega Mall

 Napolicious Spaghetti 

 Wedges Potatoes 

 Brownie Ice Cream 

 Melting Pot with Marshmallows 

Ichiban Ramen@Pavillion
Super Hot Spicy Ramen 

Venezia Italian Restaurant
 The Italian chef plus boss is cooking.

 Linguine alla Marinara 

 Farfalle al Salmone 




Cravings Kitchen & Bistro@Tesco Extra Cheras
 XL Chicken Burger 

Ding Tai Fung@The Gardens
Hot Spicy Sour Noodles 

 Xiao Long Bao 

 Pork Chop Fried Rice 

 Tiny Smashed Bean Bun 

 Sweet Hut@Kuchai Lama
 Baked Marquis Chocolate Pudding with Cookies Ice-cream 

 Coconut Pudding with Mango Ice 

 Cookies Ice-cream and Soft Black Jelly 

 America Pancake and Mango with Cookies Ice-cream

Snowflakes@Kuchai Lama
Pearl Tohua 

Saw this 'car' in Mid Valley Mega Mall.

End up with ME 

That's all for today people. 
Will have lots of surprises for you all in the next post.
Stay tuned.

Lotsa love,

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