Sunday, July 17, 2011


Halo everybody. I know you all will be very surprised when seeing my this post. Because I just changed my layout and template for my blog few days ago. New life with new look and hope. Teehee.

Today, watched a touch and best ever movie. Beastly by Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer. This story was talking about Alex Pettyfer is a wealthy and arrogant high school student. During an environmental event, he is disrespectful to a classmate, who is secretly a witch in disguise. The witch then casts a spell on Alex to disfigure his body and face, giving him one year to find love or be left with his monstrous appearance forever. And Vanessa is the one who love him no matter what looks he is having and do not even know his identity is Alex until they fall in love, until she told him " I Love You".

There have few best dialogues I cannot ever forget. Like, " I am worthy to you". This is the meaning of white rose. Do you believe true love? The love can cure the curse in a person? Can you believe true love? The love can change everything for a person? Yes, I do. So, think about it and ask yourself. Do you?

Anyway, that is just a feeling going through my mind and heart after this movie. =)

That's all for today people.
Love ya all.

Lotsa love,


  1. Movie is movie, don't take it so serious. Sometimes love is not that perfect as you think. Maybe your true love is not the type that you are looking or thinking. I am a good example, Yip Gor Gor is not the guy that I wanted, but he became my husband. I might be not the girl that he wanted initially as well.


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