Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back to Original

Don't know what to blog for today, but just wish to let you guys know that MISSY XIAOHUI is back, back to ORIGINAL with BLACK STRAIGHT hair. =)
MISSY XIAOHUI had have a golden brown hair for almost 3 years of time, and in this period the hair style being changing for quite a long time. From long straight to shoulder short, from shoulder short to C perm short, from C perm short to curly short, and now finally back to straight once again.

A lot of people asked me, why wanna change back the original hair style after the all? There is only an answer in my heart, am tiring to keep changing anymore. No point to keep changing something or yourself just yield to someone else who will never care about you. 
So, MISSY XIAOHUI is back. =)

Anyway, here is some of the most recent me, before and after changed the hair style and of course some random picture.
Met up with my darling at South Tower, The Garden.

The last camwhore for the 'old style' me.

Aura by SWAROVSKI, a new launch perfume.
the grace of light
I'appel de la lumiere

Expensive cigars bought from my brother in law.

Hong Leong Bank Limited Edition Debit Card 

That's all for today people. 
Ended up with ma another camwhore picture.

Lotsa love,

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