Friday, February 24, 2012


It is a mandarin tittle for today. "現在我很幸福" means I am very happy now. If you able understand in mandarin, then click the play for this mv.

P/s: Yuenyuen, find the one. This video is for you and me. <3

Today is my only off day in this week. Last week was busy to prepare my exam. Two papers in a day and it was finally down on Monday. After that was start busying with my tutorial activities, assignmentsss and fyp. Seriously, my head is really filled with all the finance, currency, marketing, retailing, idependent dependent factor variables, customer satisfaction, importance-performance analysis, regression test and etc etc etc. Finally give a rest day to myself before continue fighting with my all battles. Recently, feels that the value of time is much much more valuable than I thought before. So, I told myself never gonna wasting the time in my rest of life anymore (just random thought). Hmm, shall not that serious. =P

Hmm, today woke up early in purposely just for breakfast with Yuenyuen and Chaiyen in the early morning, 8am. DIMSUM, a Hong Kong style chinese food prepared as small bite-sized of food traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. It has the foods with steamed and fried. Just for you know if you don't. Like seriously, this was the first time I crave for dimsum. And it was like craving for a week. I never really like dimsum but it was like so inconceivable, I craving for a week. And today finally got it.

I always love the fried dimsum but not the steamed. And this is the most I love.

Fried one again.

This is the steamed one.

After the breakfast was the homemade dessert. Homemade White Fungus in my house.

And then korean drama in whole noon time again until evening, then dinner with Yuenyuen and her primary schoolmates, my new friends. Just back from the dinner now and gonna put a full stop for this post. Gotta rest earlier and continue fighting for my battles tomorrow. 

Wait, the last pic of the day. Goodnight everyone. XOXO

With lotsa love,


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