Thursday, March 22, 2012

A day a love song - LOUDER

Heyya buddies, good evening. MISSYXIAOHUI just back to home. Went to a morning class and shopped in book store for awhile after the class. Finally got the books that I wanted for so long.

Today, UCSI having a carnival by MSA club. Just realized how old I am when I saw those juniors, the last semester in last year of uni life.Oh god I doesn't wanna admit that at all. But it's quite true. (some complicate emotional feelings crossing over). 

Anyway, a love song of today: LOUDER by Charice 

Louder Louder Louder Louder

I'm staring out of my window
And the rain is pouring down
When you left, I was so low
But I'm not gonna drown

I don't need no shoulder
I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

I, I am over overthinking of how to get you back
I'm checking out for the weekend
And I ain't going back

I don't need no shoulder
I'm gonna be a soldier
I just wanna feel somethin' I don't understand

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

Oh, letting go
Yet it feel so good, so right
Oh, all I know
Is that I let my heart beat
Heart speak louder than my louder than my
Heart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my
Heart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder

I'm just gonna run right through the rain
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain
I just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)
Heart speak louder
Wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drum
Let my heart beat louder
Let my heart speak louder than my head

Okay, gonna prepare for heading gather dinner with the bunch now. So toodles. Love y'all.

With lotsa love,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A day a love song - STRONGER (What Doesn't Kill You)

Been in love with this song since 2 months ago. STRONGER (What Doesn't Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson. What can expressing me exactly.

You know the bed feels warmer,
Sleeping here alone,
You know I dream in color,
And do the things I want.
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone.
Think you left me broken down
Think that i'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean i'm over cause you're gone
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me myself and i
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean i'm lonely when i'm alone
You heard that I was starting over with someone new,
They told you I was moving on, over you,
You didn't think that I'd come back, i'd come back swinging
You try to break me but you see

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
stand a little taller
doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause your gone.
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning..... in the end
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, Myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.
I'm not alone

With lotsa love,

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bubba Gump Shrimp in the beautiful White Valentine

The White Valentine 

I never feel alone while staying single.
Somehow, I started to feel great.
Well, it is still found loneliness some time, but most of that I quite enjoy the freedom and laziness.
No reporting, no arguing, no hurting, no worrying, no restricting, no extra spending. LMAO

Well, so that's why I still choosing being a single. It is awesome, isn't it? Hmm, maybe, maybe the right person haven't reach the right time yet or maybe, the right person haven't even meet up with me. It doesn't matter, the most matter is I'm having a beautiful time, am I right? HAH.

So, I chose to spend with my dear Yuenyuen in this beautiful day-The White Valentine.
That was the first time we been there, so was a good try.
Hmm, the food was great taste and it was in a quality portion. The stuff services were excellent and friendly and yet efficiency. And I quite in love with their relaxing environment.

So the overall ranking by me is 

Yuppp, so gotcha chok chok. Let's go!!! 

The cute little signs "Run Forrest Run and Stop Forrest Stop" are to call for the waiter/ waitress.
The stuff will explain to you immediately what is that about and mean once you get down IF you were the first time to here.

Yuenyuen Deardear

Mango Sparkler and Blueberries Lemonade Sparkler

Sandwich Burger with fries

Chicken Finger with fries

Oh ya by the way, for those who familiar with that 'Run Forrest Run' and 'Stop Forrest Stop' phrase, it's because the restaurant's theme is based from the famous Forrest Gump movie. So that is another interesting fact why this restaurant is a must go! 

So gotcha. Toodles.

With lotsa love,

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lately with SPSS

Okay. A new month again, time passing like a rocket. Nothing much recently, busy still as usual. Lately most busying with my SPSS (a computer program used for survey authoring and development, data mining, text analytic, statistical analysis, and collaboration and deployment).

Spent my this valuable weekends with Yuenyuen and her family. So not gonna say much again cause am so tired right now, just posted a few photos.

Yuenyuen's insurance thanks giving night in Cititel Hotel, Midvalley.
P/s: Thanks for your rose, Yuenyuen. I love it. =)

Chilling with Gillian and her friends in The Library, BBT1 Klang.
P/s: The lamb cutlets over there is super yummy.

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie as dinner.
P/s: Thanks Uncle Wong and Auntie Wong for the buffet lunch in Sagano, Renaissance Hotel.

Okay, gotta sleep now. Toodles.

With lotsa love,

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