Monday, March 5, 2012

Lately with SPSS

Okay. A new month again, time passing like a rocket. Nothing much recently, busy still as usual. Lately most busying with my SPSS (a computer program used for survey authoring and development, data mining, text analytic, statistical analysis, and collaboration and deployment).

Spent my this valuable weekends with Yuenyuen and her family. So not gonna say much again cause am so tired right now, just posted a few photos.

Yuenyuen's insurance thanks giving night in Cititel Hotel, Midvalley.
P/s: Thanks for your rose, Yuenyuen. I love it. =)

Chilling with Gillian and her friends in The Library, BBT1 Klang.
P/s: The lamb cutlets over there is super yummy.

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie as dinner.
P/s: Thanks Uncle Wong and Auntie Wong for the buffet lunch in Sagano, Renaissance Hotel.

Okay, gotta sleep now. Toodles.

With lotsa love,

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