Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hey all. Finally, I am back again after a long time with a very big surprise. It is about a month I never got to blog because I was really busy with job and party having fun around in Singapore. Hahah. Today, finally I got to access my internet and guess what? My blog, this blog, was featured in BlogDash. I was so surprised I been picked up by the organizer since I never blog for such a long time. But anyway, still a big thanks to Tara Wilbur who is the social media specialist in BlogDash.com, to send me the invitation through Bloggers.com. And thanks for those readers and supporters of my blog. Thanks for still reading this.

Another big thanks again to ALL of you who is still reading this. Love you all much. I will keep working out with this. 
And stay tuned, the next post- My 22nd Big Day.

Lotsa love,


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