Monday, October 8, 2012

Wedding Dinner

Oh gosh! Couldn't remember this is which hour for me to stay awake here for attending my dear cousin's wedding dinner in my parents' hometown. The 32 hour perhaps? Anyhow, although it was very exhausted for me to stay awake still after a long midnight shift work, the wedding dinner was still awesome and lovely to me.

I admitted that I don't really understand and know the meaning of love (before I thought I do, but after few times of failure and now am doubting on myself ). But when seeing both of my cousin and his wife, I found that there is not a basic definition and answer for love. Love is invisible and it can be diversified for everyone. Different people has a different meaning of love and the way to love. It can't be explained.

Although my cousin and his wife are younger than me, although they don't even have a baby, although they just graduated from school, although they just dated for 3 years, but they get married, because of LOVE. This is the way how they LOVE for each other. A big CONGRATULATION for both of them. Wish they stay sweet and happy than ever. 


I know I looked tired.

P/s: Too bad bro and bro in law weren't there with us.

The sisters are love

Lovely family

Are we look alike?

Thanks for the 5.5 inches heels.

Like grandpa like grandson
How cute.

Before the day ends, here come to the picture of the lovely wedding. 
Goodnight everyone. Have a sweet dream.
See you all soon again. Toodles.

With lotsa love, 


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