Thursday, May 26, 2011

05.21 a.k.a 05.19 La Reine de la Danse Muar Birthday Party Rock

05.21 a.k.a 05.19 La Reine de la Danse Muar Birthday Party Rock to my beloved friend- WenYee.
( I know some of you are thinking about what is the meaning of the tittle. Let me explain a little bit here. La Reine de la Danse is the meaning of dancing queen in French. I will chose that because I do remember WenYee told My Mister she is very well in dancing. =P)

Tan Wen Yee, a powerful singer and dancer born on 05.19.
She met a lots of good friend in her life, so lucky she is.
On the date 05.21.2010, all of her good friends went down to South, Muar Johor from North, Kuala Lumpur just for her 21st Birthday Party.
A big grand event just started on that night just only for her.
Party Rock in Muar by this whole Crazy people-Awesome Us.

That day in the noon time, 4 cars with full seats drive down all the way to Muar.
There have another one car is already standby at there, still have another one went down around afternoon time.
6 cars awesome people, combined by few gangs.
Logistics crew, Accounting & Financial crew, Business Administration crew and sooo on all come once together even do not know each other.
Just for you, WenYee.

Once reached Muar, of course is try something famous at there.
Famous foods is what we always likey.
See the whole corridor is fulfilled by awesome us.

See my gang and other 2 tables.
There just have so many people that I never get the chance to count how many people we are actually.

The foods street

The chicken and pork satay sells by chinese people.
Tastes good. Yummy.

The most famous in Muar-Otak otak.
Seriously tastes nicer than other places.

Fish Otak Otak

I think My Mister ate the most.

The chicken and pork satay.
It tastes super good and it is worth to have it compare to Kuala Lumpur.

After lunch, we back to the villa that WenYee rented for us.
Rest before party rock.
Double terrace with the renovation.
Here is so big, no matter is outside or inside.
I think there have around 7 or 8 rooms inside after the renovation.
The 5 cars.
Still have one have not reach yet.

Party Rock Start!!!!

The gals

KJ & Boss

The sweet couple

Birthday Gal!!!!!
Happy Birthday once again!!!

See the rock people. Party just started they are already wanna get drunk so faster.
But I do believe they are steady and immunity for the alcohol.

Me and My Mister

Kevin, Lulu & KJ

The only 3 gals in my gang on that night.
Me, Ruby and Chloe.

The gang

After dinner buffet, we walked out and have a look in Muar.

Now, Sing K Session!!!
WayMeng & Johnny

WenYee's modern Mummy

WenYee's powerful brother.
His sound and voice is just so powerful.

Look at WenYee, she is so enjoying and reveling in the song.

Sing K session finished. Now is the time to receive the wishes from everyone!!!
Hope you have a great and awesome in your new year.

Logistics crew!!!

My gang.
Mixed by Logistics, Accounting & Finance and Business Administration crew.

WenYee's closest gang.

We stayed there for one night.
The next day we all went for brunch and snacks before leaving.
ALL of Awesome us waiting outside of the restaurant.
Heard WenYee said this is the famous AH SAM Fish restaurant in Muar.

This is our dishes.
Looks simple right?
But I tell you, this is really really tastes nice and delicious.
I like simple maybe I am just a kampung gal.
But I do believe you will fall with it once you try it.

Brunch time over, we went to another famous relaxing place.
Heard a lots of  big bug will come over here to have their holidays oftentimes.

Tanjung Emas is the place I described above.

I like hand windmills always.

You can find a lots of our childhood toy in these stall.

Looks great, awesome, amazing and relaxing right???

I HEART this picture so much and I do not know why.

Swing higher and higher.

Jack and Rose????

Kevin tried to throw Lulu into the rubbish bin. LOL

One of the DSLR photographer out of the three.

I feels so love in Malaysia so suddenly.
Because you can have a lots of nice foods and desserts whenever you like in here but not other country.
Johor style rojak in Malaysia, you can not even get to try in Kuala Lumpur.
It is just sooooo delicious.
I miss my hometown rojak too.
Just exactly taste like this.

ABC in Malaysia.

Cendol in Malaysia.

Wu Xiang in Malaysia.

End with the  group picture.
Even we do not know about all of each other, but we do treasure and pleasure that we met each other in Wenyee's 21st Big Birthday Party.
Hope to see you guys soon, UCSI if possible.
We started at UCSI but never meet there but do WenYee's Birthday, so we should continue our fate in UCSI.
Take care and really had an Awesome and Amazing two days one night with you all.

Below is the video link for WenYee's 21st Birthday Party which made by Sandra Khor,

Enjoy with it cause it is awesome and thanks to Sandra Khor, you did an awesome job!!!

P/S : Thanks for Sandra Khor and Siew Chien to provide some awesome pictures to me since my camera's battery died in the next day. Thank you very much awesome people once again. You all are just so kind. =)

Lotsa love,


  1. Thank you for the detailed post :) Really an enjoyable outing with you all... It's the first time I feel that UCSI gang is such a big and warm family.. :)

    All the best to all of you in the future!


  2. You are the most welcome. Yaya. Really enjoyed with you all at that two days one night. Hope there have another chance in the future too. All the best to you all. Take care. =)

  3. I dunno what to say beside thanks. really thanks! :)this post had made my birthday of this year a successfully ending. A simple post able to warm people heart with grin on face. Thanks xiao hui. :D

    Wen Yee

  4. Wow well done~ nice =)


  5. A detailed and nice post!
    Thanks for sharing! :)


  6. To all my beloved friends,
    I just did a simply job not so great as you all said la. The Birthday Party is party of my life, I just posted hope can stay for a memorable. Anyway, thanks for all the praises and the comments. Really hope it make all of you feel touch and happy. =)


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