Saturday, May 28, 2011

05.22 a.k.a 05.27 La Principessa Birthday Party

05.22 a.k.a 05.27 La Principessa Birthday Party to My Babe-Princess Ruixanne.

Princess Ruixanne, a very super dainty and cute gal in this world for me.
Her voice is so softly even she is scolding.
How a gentlewomen she is.
I think she is just my opposite.
Cause I am too rude.
Pretty is showing on her face, especially the smiling face she have.
It is just so charming.

05.22, a lovely evening with the lovely Birthday Party instead of 05.27, the date Princess on earth.
Just for you, Ruixanne.
A small Ruixanne's 21st Birthday Party in Sri Rampai Business Park, but do warmly.
Let our wishes come over here once again.

This is the cute cute Ruixanne.
I know you all sure will have a "Wahhhh, such a beautiful gal." reaction once you saw her.

Me, Ruixanne and OnnYee.
So Shining Us, right?

Yuenyuen, My Dear.

HE, autophilia again.

Me, Ruixanne, Yuenyuen, OnnYee and Christine.
USAwesome Babes.
Oh ya, Christine just back from work in a wedding event. That's why she do not dare to look at the camera lens cause she felt that the make up is just too OVER. 
HAHAHAHA. Funny her but I think still okay. Still looks pretty cause she have a very good condition in model not matter is her face or body figure.

The Presentssss from Ruixanna's lovely friends.

Mr. Chong,  a SUPERRRR good model.
Why I said so?
Cause his cat walk is so awesome.

Jeffrey, Christine's boyfriend, is one of our family member too.
Super Better Man

Princess Ruixanne is talking ON THE FLOOR!!!
What is she talking about?
Call ALL of you to wish her "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!!!

Games is starting!!!!

Another one of the games.
10 shoots in once.


Make a Wish that hope to get another 3 Wishes!!!

Princess Ruixanne's beloved Daddy Mummy is busying to divide the cakes for us.
So lovely.

Another gang of Princess Ruixanne's friend.

Princess Ruixanne's pose is so SEXY, right????

The End with a  group picture of my family.

you all so much.
 Even I am not from the same high school with you all, but you all still treat me so good and kind and as me in one family.
I really appreciate, my lovely friends.
And for those who not in this picture, I you all too.

Princess Ruixanne, Yuenyuen, JJ, Ryan, Eva, OnnYeeMr.ChongChristineJeffrey, Andrew, Ginfen, Amy, Jinli, Kenny and My Mister.

Anyway. let's wish Princess Ruixanne stay pretty, happy and healthy in her this 21st new year again!!!

Lotsa love,


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