Friday, December 23, 2011

With the Swiss Gentleman in Singapore

Hey yo people out there!!! I'm back like finally, haha. Sorry for the late update again. Quite busy recently even though I had done my fyp and now is semester break. Was busying with my jobs, busying with my nutrition class, busying with my friends' outing and partay, busying with my bro's wedding, busying with Christmas and wedding's shopping, etc etc and etc. So absolutely am doing quite well recently. HAHAH

Hmm, as for those who have my Facebook might know about my latest Singapore trip. Went Universal Studios Singapore and walked around in Singapore with another AWESOMER.

Alex. J. , a Swiss gentleman I met in September 2011 at an awesome place.
He is funny, smart, gentle and of course handsome.
He has a sweet smile with a gentle look. *like that smile*
We love to chit chatting just like never gonna end, we love to dance and party together.
He was leaving this early morning back to his country after finished his study in Singapore.
Wondering when and where we gonna meet again in our future, or maybe not gonna have the chance anymore.
But anyway, just wanted to wish him all the best and hope everything goes smooth in future.

Now, pictures show time. For the us in Singapore.

HE is staring at you, Alex.

The very first camwhore by us 

The live performance-Waterworld by The Lost World, USS 

Far Far Away 


The last picture before we left and there was rained heavily.

The night is still YOUNG and the very very FIRST look of Alex without his hair gel.
I am so proud of my words which working on him.

In the club of Marina Bay Sands Hotel

The view from Marina Bay Sands Hotel

Marina Bay Sands

So that's all for my latest Singapore trip with my Swiss gentleman, people.
Will catch up with you all again soon.

With lotsa love,


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