Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wonderful Bliss Christmas ♥ Lovely Gillian's Big Day

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year

Blessed Christmas everyone!!!

I know I'm late late late and too late for the wishing, but I'm soooo sorry because I was really busy. So today I'm gonna "offset" for what I had "owed" back here.

My Christmas in 2011 was really busy. Celebrations was the major of course.
This post will be super heavy pictures post, so am not gonna say much here. Just let pictures talk the words for me.

The first Christmas celebration with Babe Stella Elle. The Two Single Ladies Christmas celebration in advance. We celebrated for the whole day. We eat, play, talk, shop, chill, gossip, movie and etc. etc.

Our 1st stop, Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie. My most favorite to have French superbly fresh breads and pastries all the time.

As usual.

The best mushroom chicken soup I had ever.

Stella Elle

The baked Christmas deco bread

2nd stop, Pavillion. Always love the decoration here.

3rd stop, The Ship. For lunchie.

4th stop, GSC. Mission Impossible is awesome and Tom Cruise is just sooooo handsome and man no matter how old is he.

5th stop, Italiano Capricciosa. As our dinner.

 5th stop, The Library. Chilling with the live band.

The picture the end for that night.

24th Christmas Eve night. Was working at 7atenine, The Ascott Hotel with ma Babes. We count down Christmas together and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CHRISTINE. We love you. Muackssssss.
P/s: The Angmo DJ there is soooo high. Lmao. 
With the babes.

After working, went Overtime chilling with Babe Stella.

Camwhore a bit. 
The picture ends for that night.

25th December 2011, The Christmas night. Spent the whole night with the biggg family for celebrating the lovely sister-Gillian's Big day. Love being together with the biggg family, they are really fun and happening. They are not only family member but friends to each other. Can really feel that they treasure the every moment when they got meet together. 
The Big Day girl and her boyfie.

The one family


Gary Wong

Me and YuenYuen with birthday gal Gillian.

The couple

The picture ends for that night.

These are the most important parts in my Christmas 2011. The next post to be coming up is my new year eve and my bro's wedding. So stay tuned people.
Gotta off to out now. Lots and lotsa love.

Lotsa love,


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