Sunday, May 27, 2012

Diving Deeper to My Majestic Lord

Today is Sunday, a worship for most of the church. I miss my church, since the time I moved to Singapore for work, I never got the chance to back and attend the service. Hmm, I think I need to find a church in Singapore asap. 

I was still an atheist until I met someone who changed my vision of religious in my 20th. Although we have no more connection and contact, I still wanna thanks him to bring me into this field. I'm sad to say that my family they are Taoism, only me and some of my cousins are Christian. But I'm proud that I'm standing on my feet strongly and I know I'll keep it up. And I'm honored that My Majestic Lord never give up on me. Thanks God.

Okay, back to topic. I have a friend, Timothy Lim, he began his musical journey and his involvement with the creative arts at a very young age especially in the youth and worship ministries. Currently, Tim is serving full time in the worship ministry of Faith Christian Centre, Bandar Sunway and overseeing Faith Music, the FCC album music ministry. He is also writing new materials, in preparation for a follow-up to "THIS ROAD", his debut album.

Tim has talent in music and he did alot of creation. And recently, he did one song which I got inspire from. I hope to share with you all here, and below is a short intro for what he wrote for his new song.

I recently composed a song actually meant for my graduation class. 

Diving Deeper, this won't be in my new album but thought it is too good not to share it.

I wrote this song in an upbeat tempo to capture our passion and energy in serving Him.

The story of Luke 5 in the Bible is the spiritual application of this song. This is where Jesus called His first few disciples into His ministry... calling them to be fishers of men and challenge them to come out of their comfort zone to go deeper in their relationship with Him. 

It takes a lot of patience, commitment and courage to be fishermen, what more to be fishers of men. With that, Jesus just blew their minds off with a miracle -- they got the biggest catch anyone could imagine when they listened to him.

So there, the story of DIVING DEEPER -- that we want to step out to the unknown and doing great things for Him.

I really thank God for His leading in composing this song. I am amazed how He got me into composing this song and used it for everyone to be inspired in their walk for God.

Hope no matter who you are, this song can inspire you and your group to go deeper into His word.

I want to know You
I wanna be rooted in Your word
I want to grow with Your love
I have decided to follow in Your ways O God
Your word's a light to my path

Diving deeper into Your love, into Your presence, into Your courts
Into Your love and into Your grace

I've found my reason, my hope, my joy and everything
You are the song I will sing
I've found my purpose
I'll walk by faith, not by sight
I'll give my heart to You God

I'm diving deeper, I'm diving deep into Your love
I'm diving deeper with You

If any one of you interested in what's more from Tim, here it is, you can check it out from some website of him:

So that's all for today people, thanks for who is still reading this.

P/s: Specially thanks the credit by Mr.Timothy Lim.

Lotsa love,


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