Monday, May 14, 2012

Mama's Day 2012

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.  ~~~Jewish Proverb

22 years, she has been take care of me without any condition. She has wrinkly hands because of clothes washed and food cooked; she is fierce because of our self-discipline wanted; she is so stingy because of the education fees for goo's siblings; she has a weaken body because the meticulous care for her children. She, is my mama.

I admitted, I am a naughty child. I have my all own way and style in my life. I ain't an obedient child who always listen to their mama to do whatever they don't like and my extroverted character, I became a very big headache to her. Although these, but she still loves me with conditionless. 

I'm so appreciate and glad to have her in my life and thanks God sent her to be the one who brought MISSYXIAOHUI to this beautiful world. I just want to say: 'Mom, I'm sorry for bringing so much sadness and headacheness in your life, and thanks to be my side whenever I need you. And now, I want to be your haven onward as what you had done for me. I <3 U, mom, forever.'

My pretty mom when 20s

Mama's day 2012, we had a simple family dinner together on Saturday night (sad to say that no picha for this). And I had the very first try in making sweet potato donuts for my mom on the next day as a high tea. It's successful though and I'm glad to see the smile hanging on her face. 

I think most of the people doesn't know what is sweet potato donuts, I learned this before from my grandma. It's very old chinese style donuts, but it tastes nice. I think you can't buy it from anywhere, unless you do it by yourself. The step is very easy, just need to pay some attention of timing and heat control. Now, the step show of sweet potato donuts.

Step 1: Cut the sweet potatoes in small chunks.

Step 2: Put the sweet potato chunks into a pot of water before boiling it.
This is because sweet potato has a kind of sticky white liquid, do as above can wash it away.

Step 3: Take some pandan leaves for making more sweet taste.

Step 4: Boil sweet potato chunks and pandan leaves together until the sweet potatoes become soften and water boiled.
The sweet potato juice can be the companion drink of sweet potato donuts.

Step 5: Put the all soften sweet potatoes into a bowl and squeeze till mashed-ly.

And it will become like this after squeezing.

Step 6: Put the appropriate flour into the mashed sweet potatoes accordingly and mix well.

Mixed well.

Step 7: To knead and roll the mashed sweet potatoes as donut shaped.
(note: moisten some flour before shaping due to the sticky of mashed sweet potatoes)

Step 8: Fry the donuts till golden with strong heat.
(note: if fry with low heat the donuts will become more solid)

Till like this.

Step 9: Sugar flakes making.
Boil with water and white sugar with low heat and keep circling it.
(note: wash the pan before sugar flakes making, because if there has oil on pan, the sugar flakes won't be able to stick on the donuts surface.)

When circling till the bubble appeared, put the sweet potato donuts fried together and keep flipping.

Step 10: Flipping till the sugar flakes stick on the sweet potato donuts fully.

And then it's done!!!

Enjoy the dessert!!!

So, that's it for the Mama's Day 2012. The only one pic before head for family dinner on the Saturday night.

And so, love y'all!

Lotsa love,


  1. donut都做得出來,代表你及格了,可以嫁人了~XD

  2. 呵呵呵. 你太夸奖了. 我还有好多地方得多多学习呢. 无论如何,谢谢你呀. =)


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