Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Apartment, The Curve, with Love Ones.

Went to The Apartment, The Curve with my love ones~ Ms. Yuenyuen.

Hmm, today will be just a very quick update, so won't be introduced much of this post. Well, basically we liked the environment and decoration there. The whole concept is based and from home apartment. You will see living room, dining room, bed room, shower room, kitchen, balcony, study room and etc as their parts of restaurant, just like a home.

"We want to take you home"- the slogan.

 For the foods...hmm, so-so only, not that good as we had expected. But their dessert is good, at least for the one we ordered was tasted yummy.

The SWEETS part desserts. *yumms*

Soup of the day- Pumpkin-dumpkin soup.

Appetizer- Thousand Island Dressing Salad.

Main course- Turkey Ham Panini. Pressed sandwich with ham and onions served with crisp potatoes.

Main course- Stir Fried Chicken. Stir fried chicken with wasabi soy sauce and ginger. Served succulent & tender with steamed fragrant rice.

Dessert- Baked Chocolate Pudding. Moist chocolate pudding with a burst of coffee in the center served with vanilla ice-cream. A heavenly dessert to die for.

Planning a party??? The function available in The Apartment.


Love the bed.


Study room.

Can you see the shower area? Towers available some more.

In house.

The sweetie Yuenyuen who currently left to UK for pursuing her master study. 

And the tiny MissyXiaohui who currently staying in Singapore for pursuing her better career and life.

The two bbf will be meet up once again very soon. So stay tuned!!!

The Apartment
Lot 72, 73 & 74
Ground Floor, Western Courtyard
The Curve Shopping Centre
Mutiara Damansara
Tel: +603 7727 8330

Lotsa love,


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