Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Farewell

There is a girl I love her all of my heart and life just like no ending. We spend all the hard time and love time together as preciously, we cry, we laugh, we shout, we dance, all together. Although it was just not long ago when we first met, but the two years time, the all happen happened to us, it caused our robust friendship, it caused the sisterness between us. What had happened and what we had met since we got know each other, the similarity was always there, the similar of the life stories.

Now, she left to the another cultural and flavorful country for pursuing her master study; and me, left to another beautiful country fulled with lightys and city buildings. The next meet for us will be when the day she got her master study and both of us back to our origin country. How I wish the time can passes faster as a rocket. Just can't wait to see her again.

Before she left, our gang had organized a small farewell party for her. Although most of our member are now in overseas, but our hearts are still tied together can't even been separated. Indonesia, RussiaSingapore, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia, we are just so INTERNATIONAL.

Anyhow, let's party begin. 
Here is the girl I heart most, YUENYUEN.

A side note, Gin's birthday on that farewell party night.

Butter Crab. Although I don't like crab but it still tasted nice.

The dinner before party begin.

The girls. And we look forward for the next complete reunion.

Zouk, KL. Party begin.

Say HEY!!!

The next night, sending off. ='(
I will see you soon.

Bill back from Aussie for winter break.

Miss you much.


To my loves,
All the best and have fun there, my dear. May God bless you mercy and healthy when you're alone out there. Take care and I love you. Miss you much.

With lotsa love,


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