Monday, October 15, 2012

F1 2012 Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix & Avenue Q The Musical

Few weeks back attended the two big functions in Singapore - F1 2012 Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix & Avenue Q The Musical.

Nothing much to talk here cause I was too enjoyed the both function and event till forgot to take more pictures at that moment and can't even speak out a word now.

The feeling can't be described. It was just too awesome.

F1 2012 Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix
I am Ready

The night race

Some dinner in the awesome place with beer and amazing race

After the race, the famous was there for some songs.
My idol ever - MAROON 5!!!

Avenue Q The Musical - Grand Theater Marina Bay Sands

Sorry for not much picture cause was really too enjoyed. 

You should feel it yourself in the event next time. So see you all soon. Toodles.

With lotsa love,

Monday, October 8, 2012

Wedding Dinner

Oh gosh! Couldn't remember this is which hour for me to stay awake here for attending my dear cousin's wedding dinner in my parents' hometown. The 32 hour perhaps? Anyhow, although it was very exhausted for me to stay awake still after a long midnight shift work, the wedding dinner was still awesome and lovely to me.

I admitted that I don't really understand and know the meaning of love (before I thought I do, but after few times of failure and now am doubting on myself ). But when seeing both of my cousin and his wife, I found that there is not a basic definition and answer for love. Love is invisible and it can be diversified for everyone. Different people has a different meaning of love and the way to love. It can't be explained.

Although my cousin and his wife are younger than me, although they don't even have a baby, although they just graduated from school, although they just dated for 3 years, but they get married, because of LOVE. This is the way how they LOVE for each other. A big CONGRATULATION for both of them. Wish they stay sweet and happy than ever. 


I know I looked tired.

P/s: Too bad bro and bro in law weren't there with us.

The sisters are love

Lovely family

Are we look alike?

Thanks for the 5.5 inches heels.

Like grandpa like grandson
How cute.

Before the day ends, here come to the picture of the lovely wedding. 
Goodnight everyone. Have a sweet dream.
See you all soon again. Toodles.

With lotsa love, 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's the Day ~ The 22nd ❤

Hey hey, back again after a long time. Had a super peak season when the time back to Formula 1 Singapore last week. Working in hotel line isn't an easy thing sial. Especially when there have some festival/ show/ concern is going on with. I bet that all of the hotel in Singapore was really busy and have no even a breathe time back to last week. Anyhow, finally it is all over now. So back to the topic, my day on the big 22nd.

First of all, so sorry for the super super late update for this. It was a month ago and now I am just gonna to blog about it. Lolllll. Seriously, I had forgotten the enjoyment and excitement cause it was quite some time from now. So, anyhow, I will just talk about that in a super simply way. 

The very first Singapore Flyer time for the first birthday celebration with someone. The best view of Singapore with super awesome firework is  .

Sentosa day trip for the second birthday celebration with the someone again. Please ignore the fattie boom boom. Still can't accept this. Super big SIGH!

The third birthday celebration night in The Arena, Clarke Quay, Singapore with the someone again on the birthday eve. Enjoyed much with the live band and club mix spinning by DJ. 

Hello from the night.

The simple dinner with the someone on the BIG DAY 

After dinner, had a simple supper time with Roland in BJ's American Diner.

Happy Sailor Moon cosplay from Daphne.

A very cute bear with only rose from someone.

The gift for my own.

Other more...............

And the last present, Sweet Swatch from Roland 

That's all for the birthday. I know it is like nothing much special but who cares? I did enjoyed at the moment is the most important.

By the way, before to leave, am here to wish everyone who is celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival out there. HAPPY MOONCAKE DAY!!!!



Auntie Gwen love you always.

Okay I know you all who noticed this pic is kinda freaking out now in front of lappie. Yea, I cut my hair short and it is super short. HAHAHAH. Lots of people asked me Why? What's wrong? What happened to me to cut my long hair to this short? Actually no reason for me to cut this short, I am okay, I am fine here. Just feels to have a short hair only. I always love to change my style. Anyway, still high compliment even I got this short. HAHAHAHA. I know it is a bit too much. But it is true. =P

Gotta stop here and out for buying supper for my precious sis. Before to leave, here you go the last pic of the day, the most recent me. Will update soon again. Toodles!!!

With lotsa love,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hey all. Finally, I am back again after a long time with a very big surprise. It is about a month I never got to blog because I was really busy with job and party having fun around in Singapore. Hahah. Today, finally I got to access my internet and guess what? My blog, this blog, was featured in BlogDash. I was so surprised I been picked up by the organizer since I never blog for such a long time. But anyway, still a big thanks to Tara Wilbur who is the social media specialist in, to send me the invitation through And thanks for those readers and supporters of my blog. Thanks for still reading this.

Another big thanks again to ALL of you who is still reading this. Love you all much. I will keep working out with this. 
And stay tuned, the next post- My 22nd Big Day.

Lotsa love,

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar, Raffles Avenue Esplanade Mall.

Crave for waffles? chocolate? ice-cream? dessert?
MAX BRENNER is the best place for you if you are a dessert lover.
You will be fall in love with it once the bite.

As below, a very short intro for MAX BRENNER:
MAX BRENNER, the bald man, is creating a new chocolate culture. 
It brings you to reveal the fine layers of this unique approach to chocolate.
Let's together to see, to listen and to feel Max's chocolate love story.
Don't invent anything in chocolate.
It all exists in people's minds and hearts.

A very lovely love story.

espresso soaked ladyfingers, cognac mascarpone cream, red berries, chocolate truffle surprise
What I had tried.

vanilla bourbon ice cream, milk chocolate truffle, caramelized rice krispies
My most favorite in MAX.

Long time no see!!!

With the tall man.

Before it ends, here is the view I love most in Singapore.
Always love to stay back in the lake side just for chilling after a long day.

Okay. Toodles everyone. Will update sooner again.

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar
8 Raffles Avenue,
#01-06/08 Esplanade Mall,
Singapore 039802.
Tel: +65 6235 9556

Lotsa love,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DÔME Café, with Someone.

Don't know whether it is because of working stresses or N times of puberty, I started eating alot recently AGAIN. Just feel like eating eating and eating, no matter in work or off work. I had tried eaten 5 meals a day, and it was super big portion per meal!! Oh my god, I can't really believed I did that. Of course my weight is keeping up without noticed, until the day I went to medical check up, 42kg, the measurer showed. Increased 4kg within two months, I was like Oh shit!!! Keep reminding myself to reduce the portion and times to meal a day I take after that, but I just can't stop myself from eating still, it's like uncontrollable. Until today, I felt my clothes getting tighter compare to last time with loser. Nice foods always keep my eyes on. LOL

So the foods for today is in DÔME Café. Went it with my sis-Daphne and someone who I think better don't mentioned in here. Just let him to be SOMEONE. And now, keep your saliva up.

Pancake Stack. A stack of fluffy, thick pancakes served with berries, golden syrup and mascarpone cheese. Ice cream and cream extra on request.
I like this dessert very very much, so just skipped it all over from the last dish to the first.

Spicy Chicken Mushroom Pasta. Spaghetti tossed with a spicy chicken and mushroom sauce.
One of my favorite pasta other than Spicy Olio Pasta in DÔME Café.

Tandoori Chicken Pizza.
Like the bit spicy and lime tastes.

Beef Bacon on Toast. Grilled beef bacon with toast and butter.


Ended picture with Daphne. 

Conclusion: DÔME Café is a must choice for you if planning to have a chill time with friends and family, no matter in breakfast, lunch, tea time or dinner. The price is average and the foods and beverages are both in good with distinction levels. The environment and decor are full with the Europe smells. Is a very high recommend by me since I love it very very much. So try it if you haven't touch it down yet. 

That's all for today. Tata!!!

G46-G49 Ground Level, 
Suria KLCC,
Kuala Lumpur City Centre,
50088 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: 603 2166 1948

Lotsa love,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Farewell

There is a girl I love her all of my heart and life just like no ending. We spend all the hard time and love time together as preciously, we cry, we laugh, we shout, we dance, all together. Although it was just not long ago when we first met, but the two years time, the all happen happened to us, it caused our robust friendship, it caused the sisterness between us. What had happened and what we had met since we got know each other, the similarity was always there, the similar of the life stories.

Now, she left to the another cultural and flavorful country for pursuing her master study; and me, left to another beautiful country fulled with lightys and city buildings. The next meet for us will be when the day she got her master study and both of us back to our origin country. How I wish the time can passes faster as a rocket. Just can't wait to see her again.

Before she left, our gang had organized a small farewell party for her. Although most of our member are now in overseas, but our hearts are still tied together can't even been separated. Indonesia, RussiaSingapore, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia, we are just so INTERNATIONAL.

Anyhow, let's party begin. 
Here is the girl I heart most, YUENYUEN.

A side note, Gin's birthday on that farewell party night.

Butter Crab. Although I don't like crab but it still tasted nice.

The dinner before party begin.

The girls. And we look forward for the next complete reunion.

Zouk, KL. Party begin.

Say HEY!!!

The next night, sending off. ='(
I will see you soon.

Bill back from Aussie for winter break.

Miss you much.


To my loves,
All the best and have fun there, my dear. May God bless you mercy and healthy when you're alone out there. Take care and I love you. Miss you much.

With lotsa love,

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