Monday, January 23, 2012

January blinkie stars diaries

Heyyooo, I'm back and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR everibodi!!! Yea, it's another new year again but the chinese style. It's time 12am, so I can heard the firework in everywhere but then emm my family decided to have it own at 1am later, so I have a little bit time to blog something that I wished to blog it before the CNY. Just feel like to post it in ages, but never get to do that since I was busying in all my appointments. By the way, about my CNY post I will be posted it in later after.

Okay, back to the post. What's this post about? Emm, actually nothing much just some of my outing pictures that I wished to share, in other word-random post. Eh, I can imagine the face you are putting right now, =.=' . But then emm, just let me finish it please.......

So, am not gonna say much here cause it is a heavy pictures post. Just let's start.

The Belated Birthday Celebration for Babe SuChing in Garden Lifestyle Store & Cafe, The Garden.
The decoration in the mall.

While waiting.
Eric, Marilyn and Khaiyan.

Babe SuChing and her lovely bf, Willibrord Richard.

The girls ♥

the group picha of that day.
Me, Khaiyan, Willibrord, SuChing, Marilyn & Eric.

The God of Wealth in cafe.

Lion dance in MidValley Mega Mall

High tea session in Shangri La Hotel, KL with Babe Christine.
Christine and I

Our classic and delicious high tea

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie, KL with babies
Ginfen, Christine and Stella Elle

Showing off my 'G' gold ring

With IngPei, the casual school outfit.

The super big sandwich found in college, UCSI.

FullHouse Lifestyle Store & Cafe, KL. With my sister-Leanne and brother in law-Kenneth.

Leanne and I

pink dot specs with my kiss *muacksssss*

With my dear, Yuenyuen. Met up before I left to home for CNY.

Yuenyuen and I

Love the sunshine

The Curve with the Gan's sisters. Nutrition class cancelled without noticement so we changed to shopping and hanging around.

me and ganmeeling

me and ganbeekee

the yummy licious nasi lemak 

That's all for the post before the CNY, people. Gotta off for the firework preparation now. Will update about my CNY with you all soon in later.
love y'all and HAPPY HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR once again.

With lotsa love,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Burlesque once again ♥ ♥ ♥

Hey y'all. How was the day everyone? Was that an awesome and wonderful day to y'all? I hope it was. =) I had a great day, but exhauted madly. In the early morning woke up at 0530 and then prepare and off to photoshooting. Of course am not the photographer cause I not that pro yet, I was just the model who let the photographer cacha here cacha there. Muahaha. It was taken for 5 hours since from 7am. Tired and felt like collapsed after done the shooting cause I was insomnia the night before that's why it came to me. By the way, thanks to the teh tarik (cause of this drink I got the miserable insomnia night).

Luckily, a good man came to rescue me. My forever mate, Khaiyan. We went for my brunch in the Wangsa Walk Mall together, my first try in Octopus Sushi & Thai Restaurant. See the name also know it is totally suit for me cause I love sushi and thai foods much. We chit chatted, gossiped here and there and storied together like never gonna end. After that we went to my home and watched the horror movie, Final Destination 5. It was so disgusting to show how the people dead in cruelness and innocence. I watched the other 4 esipodes in previous, but am still scaring and feel like screaming when watching it. Nothing much to talk about this movie, cause the next one is only the best for me. BURLESQUE ♥ ♥ ♥, if you had read my blog before then you might know that I had blogged about this movie ealier. I love to keep rewatching the movie I like, no matter how many time I don't care at least I feel it's worth to watch again. But luckily it was the first watch for Khaiyan, hope he is really enjoy while companying me.

BURLESQUE ♥ ♥ ♥, a 5 rate star movie for me. I love it just like I love all the series of Fast & Furious. It is a story all about a small-town girl ventures to Los Angeles and finds her place in a neo-burlesque club run by a former dancer and meet the girls who love dancing and singing much in the lounge. How they dance, how they sing, how they love, how they framed and help in each other and etc etc. It is main acted by Christina Aguilera, Cher, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet, Julianne Hough, Kristen Bell and Stanley Tucci. You should try it if you haven't, it was really nice. And now is some of the soundtrack videos which I love much in the movie, hope y'all like it too.

You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me - Cher

Show Me How You Burlesque - Christina Aguilera

Bound To You - Christina Aguilera

Okay that's all for today. Gotta sleep now. Goodnight people.

P/s: there is another movie similar with Burlesque, it named Coyote Ugly. It's a quite old movie, will detail about it in the coming post.

Lotsa love,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012, honesty

Wished to blog about this post for quite a long time, but just really no time to complete it so I just left it in my saved box since a week ago. I think when you getting older, you will feel that the time is passing faster. I remembered when I was young, I always pray for the next CNY comes faster when I was during the current one, just for the angpaos of course. But now, I am here to complaint about the time flies too fast till I can't even feel the every precious second in my life.

2012, a new year with a scary prophecy. Everyone starts to talk about this when it turned in 2012 in real. For me, I have no much of feeling about this. Really thank God, because I know I will be safe under His Mighty protection. So I won't worry about tomorrow, just let tomorrow worry about itself. 

Summary of 2011. Larvene Giancarlo passed away, heart broken to max. Broke up and became a sensation for the whole world. Lost part of the memories due to the psychological effect. Decided to stay and finish degree study in UCSI after struggling for Singapore instead. Ran in and out of the clinic and hospital due to the weaken body. Baby Anson was born. Baby Andrew 1 year old birthday. Became a healthy and beauty advisor and started the course of nutrition. Got good results in study and career, all glory to God. Earned much money and never as much as this before. Singapore became my third home, due to the awesomer. Brother's blessed wedding. And finally, everything get fine from the sadness and disappointness. MissyXiaohui is back and of course the body weight, finally get back to normal weight as before (lost much of weight while the first half of the year). Praise God!!!

Obviously, 2011 is not a good year for me but it still considered a good turning point in my life. No point to view back and no point to say out all in detail. How hard and how tough it is in processing, I know myself and it will be enough. By the way, it was past.

Went the church service last Saturday. HONESTY is the sermon for that evening. It was a very impact sermon to me. Genesis 20:1-13: Just like Abraham, it's easy for ordinary people to fall into a pattern of lying. Everyone has lie before. For fear, for personal gain, for expectations. But no matter what's the reason, there is always no a rational and acceptable one if you lie. I lied too. But thank God, He gave me the chance so you as well. Let us be honest with others, with God and self. Never lie for what you had done and what you had said or even what you wanted. Be honest for all you past. And never lie blame others just for your gain and interest. Let's start to be the true ownself from this new year. Never lie, because God will always know what's the exactly thinking in your mind and heart.

I know this post is really boring with no picture, so I had prepare one of the Christian song that I love most here for everyone of you. Hope you all like it too. So that's all for today, love ya all. God bless and goodnight. Have a good new year ahead!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Lotsa love,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blessedness Wedding & Incredible New Year 2012 ♥ ♥ ♥

The most lovely and happily day in Goo's family. Yes, it is a wedding. My only and beloved brother's big wedding. We planned and waited for 2 years and it is like happened in finally. Why I said we waited for 2 years??? It is because 2 years ago when my brother planning to get marry, my cutie grandpa was passed away due to an accident. A cruelly accident, took away our kind and loving grandpa. So according to the Chinese tradition, we need to be waited 2 years as the respect for deceased person. 
*We miss you, Gonggong*
Okay, back to topic, the wedding. This blessed wedding was processing according the Chinese traditional way. In the early morning, the bridegroom which my brother and his best men drove all the way to fetch the beautiful bride back to our home. And then will be a series of worship and tea ceremony. After the all traditional ceremony, was a simply buffet at our home (the night before we held a simple but grand buffet in our home too). Then then then was a rest time for preparing the wedding dinner to us.

The wedding dinner was held in a hotel ballroom. Gorgeous, grand but simple. I was too busy to help my brother settling stuffs on that night, ran to here ran to there, so it is too bad I can't really enjoy the delicious yummy yum yum dishes. But I felt lucky that I have a bff who was attending my brother's wedding and kept helping me when I was busy. And she is my dearrrr--YuenYuen. Yea, she was following me back to my hometown from KL just to attend my brother's wedding. It is really happy happy max!!!
The most most awesome on that night was my brother sang a love song to his beautiful wife on the stage in that night. 第几个一百天 from 林俊杰. Was a super touch moment and I really have to admit that my brother have a splendid voice (should believe his friends and colleagues long time ago).

After the dinner, the count down of new year 2012 was near. It was really a super super incredible new year count down for me. Why??? Because me and my dear Yuenyuen just went to Singapore for count down straight away from the dinner. No remove make up, no change clothes, we just went with what the look we were in the dinner. Crazy right?? Hahaha, I know but it was really awesome. When we reached Singapore Raffles Place, there was really crowded. The roads was fully filled by people and there was a lot of road closed so then we only can get to walk over the Marina Bay Sands. The AVALON, the place we went to count down. Is a club with awesome and amazing building design. The space is really big and I never been any club as big as this before. Mostly is angmos there but too bad, we doesn't like the spin by that particular DJ. Muahahah. But in overall, it was not bad. The club was closed at 5am normally, so after that we went some breakfast and then back to JB which my hometown straight away again. And yea, we never slept for that night until we got to home. Muahahaha. Yes I know we are super crazyyyyyy!!! =P

And now now now, pictures time.

Me and YuenYuen

Picha a bit before the bridegroom and the bride back to home.

My younger sister Daphne and cousin

Daphne with meeee

I know you all are jealous-ing with my pretty and perfect waist. Muahahahah.

Getting prepare

Ma cutie daddy =)

The photowoman on that day

BMW X6. Woootsss.

Lovely couple arrived.

Tea ceremony

I always love my brother and bro in law meet together. Because they are the joking talents. Muahahaha.

Baby Andrew and his Gonggong

Cute as me??? Yea, I know it. Hahahah.

The dinner. They were nervous to get in the ballroom.  

Congratulation Gor!!!


My handsome daddy and pretty mummy. Teehhee.

Sister, Leanne and Bro in law, Kenneth.

YuenYuen & Daphne

Baby Andrew is HAPPY too.

Baby Anson <3

One family <3

Camwhore a bit in reception

Pretty sister in law.

Finally free for the dinner.

And now, we were in Singapore.
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!! ♥

The 1st picture of us in the new year 2012!!!

Marina Bay Sands. I always ♥ this place and this gotta thanks to Alex, the awesomer ♥.

The outlook of AVALON. It is located on the lake, and full with glass. CLASSIC!!! 

The DJ on the stage

And now, we ends our holiday and back to KL.


So, that's all peeps. There is more picture in my facebook, can check it out if you all would love to.
Gotta ciao for meeting now, so love ya all.

Lotsa love,

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