Monday, January 23, 2012

January blinkie stars diaries

Heyyooo, I'm back and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR everibodi!!! Yea, it's another new year again but the chinese style. It's time 12am, so I can heard the firework in everywhere but then emm my family decided to have it own at 1am later, so I have a little bit time to blog something that I wished to blog it before the CNY. Just feel like to post it in ages, but never get to do that since I was busying in all my appointments. By the way, about my CNY post I will be posted it in later after.

Okay, back to the post. What's this post about? Emm, actually nothing much just some of my outing pictures that I wished to share, in other word-random post. Eh, I can imagine the face you are putting right now, =.=' . But then emm, just let me finish it please.......

So, am not gonna say much here cause it is a heavy pictures post. Just let's start.

The Belated Birthday Celebration for Babe SuChing in Garden Lifestyle Store & Cafe, The Garden.
The decoration in the mall.

While waiting.
Eric, Marilyn and Khaiyan.

Babe SuChing and her lovely bf, Willibrord Richard.

The girls ♥

the group picha of that day.
Me, Khaiyan, Willibrord, SuChing, Marilyn & Eric.

The God of Wealth in cafe.

Lion dance in MidValley Mega Mall

High tea session in Shangri La Hotel, KL with Babe Christine.
Christine and I

Our classic and delicious high tea

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie, KL with babies
Ginfen, Christine and Stella Elle

Showing off my 'G' gold ring

With IngPei, the casual school outfit.

The super big sandwich found in college, UCSI.

FullHouse Lifestyle Store & Cafe, KL. With my sister-Leanne and brother in law-Kenneth.

Leanne and I

pink dot specs with my kiss *muacksssss*

With my dear, Yuenyuen. Met up before I left to home for CNY.

Yuenyuen and I

Love the sunshine

The Curve with the Gan's sisters. Nutrition class cancelled without noticement so we changed to shopping and hanging around.

me and ganmeeling

me and ganbeekee

the yummy licious nasi lemak 

That's all for the post before the CNY, people. Gotta off for the firework preparation now. Will update about my CNY with you all soon in later.
love y'all and HAPPY HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR once again.

With lotsa love,

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