Friday, January 13, 2012

Burlesque once again ♥ ♥ ♥

Hey y'all. How was the day everyone? Was that an awesome and wonderful day to y'all? I hope it was. =) I had a great day, but exhauted madly. In the early morning woke up at 0530 and then prepare and off to photoshooting. Of course am not the photographer cause I not that pro yet, I was just the model who let the photographer cacha here cacha there. Muahaha. It was taken for 5 hours since from 7am. Tired and felt like collapsed after done the shooting cause I was insomnia the night before that's why it came to me. By the way, thanks to the teh tarik (cause of this drink I got the miserable insomnia night).

Luckily, a good man came to rescue me. My forever mate, Khaiyan. We went for my brunch in the Wangsa Walk Mall together, my first try in Octopus Sushi & Thai Restaurant. See the name also know it is totally suit for me cause I love sushi and thai foods much. We chit chatted, gossiped here and there and storied together like never gonna end. After that we went to my home and watched the horror movie, Final Destination 5. It was so disgusting to show how the people dead in cruelness and innocence. I watched the other 4 esipodes in previous, but am still scaring and feel like screaming when watching it. Nothing much to talk about this movie, cause the next one is only the best for me. BURLESQUE ♥ ♥ ♥, if you had read my blog before then you might know that I had blogged about this movie ealier. I love to keep rewatching the movie I like, no matter how many time I don't care at least I feel it's worth to watch again. But luckily it was the first watch for Khaiyan, hope he is really enjoy while companying me.

BURLESQUE ♥ ♥ ♥, a 5 rate star movie for me. I love it just like I love all the series of Fast & Furious. It is a story all about a small-town girl ventures to Los Angeles and finds her place in a neo-burlesque club run by a former dancer and meet the girls who love dancing and singing much in the lounge. How they dance, how they sing, how they love, how they framed and help in each other and etc etc. It is main acted by Christina Aguilera, Cher, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet, Julianne Hough, Kristen Bell and Stanley Tucci. You should try it if you haven't, it was really nice. And now is some of the soundtrack videos which I love much in the movie, hope y'all like it too.

You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me - Cher

Show Me How You Burlesque - Christina Aguilera

Bound To You - Christina Aguilera

Okay that's all for today. Gotta sleep now. Goodnight people.

P/s: there is another movie similar with Burlesque, it named Coyote Ugly. It's a quite old movie, will detail about it in the coming post.

Lotsa love,


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