Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2010 Christmas Eve & Christmas

Sorry for late update people..hehehe..
Nothing special recently..Just spend all the time with my Mr.Lionel..teehee..
But I still have some pictures havent upload yet..
My 2010 Christmas..
So, nothing much to say..Let picture to show everything here..

Celebrated our Christmas Eve with my gang after my handsome's car been trailer at that night..hahaha

My Christmas gifts from my gang and my handsome^^

My darling was so happy when he opened the gift..hahaha..funny face..

The surprise gift from my handsome on that day..thanks ya^^


My handsome bought a parfum for me..teehee

*Perry Ellis 18*

I hope I am the brand spokesperson of this parfum..hahaha..

Took from my darling..I love this picture so much.

My handsome wanna be the spokesperson with me..hahaha..

On Christmas that day, we went for dinner with YuenYuen at Italiannies, The Gardens.
I know her boyfriend will be very jealous..
Right, JJ??

Cute YuenYuen~~

She was missing her boyfriend..

JJ, you were at there!!!!On the chair!!!

My darling seem "sok" jor..hahaha..

"Mr.Lionel, why you  always take my picture while I drinking??"

Mine and His..


Bread Bread..
Only one picture for us on that night..

This is all about my Christmas..
Missy Xiaohui will update more in further..
Thanks for those who are still reading..

Lotsa love,


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