Saturday, January 22, 2011

United Kingdom

Hi,people..Ermmm..Just a future planning wanna share with you all.

As you all know,the dream in my whole life is just hope can have an opportunity to complete my study in United Kingdom.But too bad,my lovely daddy doesn't allow me to do that.So,I gave up my dream in this moment.Just in this moment by the way.The most funny thing is I am not allowed to do that,but my Mr.Lionel is going to.A long story for that.We actually planned going together,but in the end we got the different results.Anyway,I am still feels proud and happy for him.And now we are planning a two months "honey moon" in UK.hehehe.My Mr.Lionel requested me to have a two months holiday in UK to spend with him.Just a small "honey moon".I am so happy and excited.I knew he can feels my sadness.So he don't care how much he needs to spend when I going.He just want to share my sadness and hope I can feels a little bit happy as long as I gonna stay in UK for two months.Really thank you,Darling.I really happy for that.Hope it will be happen.^^

Yesterday,I met my Mr.Lionel's lovely mummy.Although it was not the first time,but was too happening,it make me felt so nervous.Three of us keep chatting while we are having our lunch.I am so happy his mummy admitted me and said she is very happy to having a daughter likes me.She knew my daddy and mummy is not in KL and I am staying alone,so called me go for lunch with her when I am free.And she also volunteered to bring me to some church if i wants.She was blessing for me and my Mr.Lionel yesterday too.Just in front of me.I keep hold my tears while she was holding my hand and blessing for me and my Mr.Lionel.Just hopes it won't drop in that moments.I really happy for that.Never ever think that the scene will happen in front of me.But it was really happened.

Anyway,I will just stay here to accompany her when my Mr.Lionel is not here and his brother too.I hope the 1 year will fly as fast as possible.I will just wait and accompany her.I will wait for my Mr.Lionel back and redempt the promise he make to me.Mr.Lionel,remember what you promised me?Not.I should ask do you remember what proposal you make??Me and Mr.Lionel walked through lots of thing.But I know we still have more need to go.Bless for us,peeps.Thanks..^^

By the way,another thing I wanna re correct here.Remember what I mentioned in my last post?

You are unique,original, and there is only one of you.
You were made special and you are something very rare.

Love includes forgiveness.
Forgiveness requires letting go of the past.  ~~Joyce Meyer

In these words, I think someone already misunderstood it.What I wanna express in these words is "I am just me!".Don't think people wanna imitate others always.It is not.And I will remember what my Mr.Lionel told me,"You owns me,and I just want you.That's enough.Don't care what's others say and what's others think.".Ya,I will remember it always.Thanks My Mr.Lionel.

Anyway,people.Hope all of you can find you own happiness soon.Just like me.^^I knows God is always with me even I am not in a good condition by my own.

Stay tuned,peeps!!!^^Happy forever..JUST LIKE ME!!!^^

Lotsa love,


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