Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feel The Heate

Helo,people.Ermmm...I am listening the mandarin song "心跳" from Leehom Wang.So the title for today is Feel The Heate which means the feeling of heartbeat.Have a question to you all here.

Did you feel a heate with a gal or guy before?

I think everyone have an answer once you see this.For my answer,NOT.I never feels a heate with a guy but till now.

Today only I realized I just want him to be happy even something is hurting me.Once before,I wanna give up this relationship.It is too heavy to me just like a burden.Something happened make me decided to chose the way to give up.This relationship lost the trust from others.And I lost my trust and self esteem too.Now,lots of obstacles we walked through.I only realized what I really wants is the people around me is happy.Nothing much.I know this relationship haven't gain back others trust yet.And myself too.But I will try my best to forget and forgive.Then will do all my best to gain back the trust from others.Now, the only thing I hope is he won't feels any sadness from someone.I know it is hard,but I hope he can tell me the sadness in his heart whenever he wants.I don't mind at all this is what can I say.Long journey to go...

This is the people I feels strong heate with him.

Something to share here...

Life is the best school.
God is the best lecturer.
Problem is the best assignment.
Failure is the best revision.

Hopes it can inspire you all same as me.
Have a good day people..
Stayed tuned for MissyXiaohui@GwendolynneGoo!!! 

P/s: Missing and Love my Family...

Lotsa love,


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