Monday, January 3, 2011

GoodBye 2010 & Hi 2011

2010,I am 20 years old.2011,I am 21 years old.
Time flies.I came for KL already 2 years.
Too many things was happened.My life is changed.

I knew him cause broke up with a bad guy.He always be my side to support me everytime, everywhere.I really appreciated.But it was happened a lots after I met him.


Now,everything was figure out.I hope we can walk through all of the obstacles.
Hope we will happiness in the future.

Finished the important part of my feeling in this year,now I gonna talk about my New Year Eve and my first day of 2011.

My New Year Eve dinner was at my hostel with my handsome and mamak food.Teehee.After that,was at Mist Club with my friends and my handsome. : )
There was too many people, so I didnt really get the chance to dance with my handsome bad : (
But it was awesome cause there have a lots of people in the dance floor and stage.Everyone just looked so happy and simply when 2011 was coming.

Lets pictures to show how happy was I at the moment. : )

My handsome..

                                 At outside of Mist Club.^_^                                               

Am I looks small???

Took by my handsome : )


Our friend,Mr.Andrew!!!


Took by me~~Yeah~~

My leg looks so big here..

My dear scared me "zouguang".So put his wallet on my thigh to cover.hahaha..

Thanks darling to make a wonderful new year eve to me.muackss.

Finished my sharing of pictures,now lets us continue.

New year,1.1.2011,my handsome was drive me back to my hometown-Felda Linggiu,Kota Tinggi,Johor.Teehee.
This is the first time I bring my handsome to home and it was so nervous
(I think is not only me.Right??my handsome..hehehe)
At first,I scared my handsome wont like the place I lived for 20 years.Since there is just a kampung and dont have everything(I can say so).But,it was not.Totally not.He like it much and he said he wanna back with me again,again and again.I really feel happy and proud about that.
Thanks my darling♥
(Sorry didnt take any pictures at my hometown.Will upload next time.^^)

After all of these happy things,it have a bad news in my new year.
My daddy doesnt allow me to go UK to continue my year 3.My dream that started from kid was broken.

Anyway,I need to face the fact.I just hope my handsome can help me to complete my dream in UK.And I hope he can take good care of himself at there.

For above,it just something important in my ending of 2010 and beggining of 2011.Hope I will have a good 2011 in onwards.


Lotsa love,


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