Friday, January 14, 2011

The date.January 13, 2011

Hi,peeps.Today is a tired and busy day,but it was a happy day too.Since played badminton with my handsome and my gang at yesterday night plus I didnt get a good sleep in the night, so I was very tired and cant run my brain in the whole day.But I still went jogging with my handsome in this early morning.It was so exciting.First time jogging with my handsome.hehehe.Stopped my sport for too long,it was killing me after I finished my 4th round.Too weak la me,right??Need to get improve.hahaha.I think will be soon.Since my handsome said will go for every friday.LOL.

After jogging,we went for breakfast and back home to get ready and out.For what??Of course is for my IPhone 4!!!ya..My handsome make the appointment for me.So I went for collecting my IPhone 4 and now it was besides me.hahaha.I get it finally.This is what I can say.

After the all things was settled,we went for movie "Faster" which acted by The Rock.We waited for it a long time.It is a nice movie(to me yes).I think the fans of The Rock will hook on this movie for sure.It is not only an action movie,it is touch too.I was have a little bit tearing when the part The Rock is gonna kill the churchmen.It is really worth to watch.

Anyway,this is all i done today.Tired.Happy.

Oh ya.The other thing.I really hope that the person who called tonight is not making a joke.I hope he really come out from his heart when he said the everything.My handsome,I think you know who I am talking about.I hope all of them will accept me.But I dont think is now and I know it is really hard.And I really hope what you told me is true.Anyway,this is all my blog wanna show today.

Have two p/s today.
p/s:Thanks for Leanne about the IPhone 4.
p/s:Happy Birthday to all of you.

*You have nothing if you don't believe.*

Lotsa love,


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