Friday, February 25, 2011

When We Meet Together

Hii people.Went out with my Babes today.hahaha.Have a long time didn't hang out with them.Although only have three of us plus one "sister". : P  Anyway it's ok,we will hang out with ALL of us in the next time.I believe.Lol.We went for Neway and hang gaigai.Although it just have a few hours,but we just so enjoyed of that.We sang english,chinese and cantonese songs.Lucky with my babes.Cause they know all kind of songs.Your Bad Romance was making me feels so high.hahaha.It's ok.I Just like The Way You Are even you are a 坏人.We are so
After the chattime with my babes,I was accompany My Mister to attend his badminton competition.I am so proud of him!!!And it is always!!
So pictures show time^^
There will have more pictures on my Facebook.Please check it out if you are interested in.

 Sexy Babes!!!

I am so glad that all of us is using SMART phone.IPHONE 4 and HTC Desire. 
Missed another 2 IPHONE 4s from My Mister and my babe's darling. : P
Next time three couples of us should hang out together.


I love this picture so muchhhhh!!!

HI!Everyone!!This is just ME!!!

Guess guess Who Are Who We Are

The lovely couple 

My Mister is fighting for his glory.


Okay peeps.That's all for today.Will update again soon.
Love ya all^^

Lotsa love,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Loveliest Valentines Day

Okay everyone.Finally,my Valentines Day was posted.This is the 1st valentines day that I spent with My Tall Handsome Mister
Ermm..Actually we didn't out for celebration,just simply ate at my home.Ya,I cooked.I know lots of people will so surprise since I seldom to cook at HERE.hahaha.And I know lotsa people will just envy with Mister Lionel.Especially Eric.You know I know.hahaha: P
Anyway,I just simply cooked since I had lotsa classes on that day,quite tired.So nothing really special also.Just had spaghetti,muffins,and mushroom soup.
I received a valentines gift from My Mister.But since we make deal before that just have a simply valentines without gift will do,so I really kept that promise.I am so sorry about that My Mister.Feels guity..
Okay la people.Just enjoy yourself with those pictures.Hope you all can feel that happiness and loveliness from what I wanted to share. 

I Love You,You Love Me.We are happy family.^^

Our Valentines Loveliness dinner

The Spagehtti.I know it looks so unpalatable. : P


 Thanks Willibrord Richard to take the picture for us.^^

My Valentines Present.♥ the wrapping paper so much!!!

Yuenyuen,Sozai and Daddy

See.My look just so TIRED.Scared by myself!!!

My very 1st REEBOK with kid teenage,M size.Oh my myyy.My Mister's laughter is just still around me.

Okay,people.Will back to here as soon as possible.
See you all soon.
Love ya

   Happy Loveliesss Valentines Day

Lotsa love,

Friday, February 18, 2011


Okay everyone.My Valentines Day post gonna be delay again.Cause I just can't stop myself to post what I gonna share now.

BURLESQUE!!!Oh my god.That was just so AMAZING and AWESOME!!!If you were a dancer and you haven't watch this movie,you should go as fast as possible!I think for those who are not a dancer you all will like it too!I waited for a long time and finally watched it today.It just similar with my another favorite movie'Coyote Ugly'.Both are just so amazing and awesome.You guys should try it.Believe me,you will like it.
I am so shy to say that I was just can't stop waving my hands and legs with heart afire while I watching,especially when there was played and danced with the last song-Show Me How you BURLESQUE.Welcome to The Wonderland-BURLESQUE!! I will never ever forget that.Just some opinion from myself.Ermmm.I know some people will just thought sexy dance or dressing lesser is not a good dancing.But for me,it is not.Dancing is just a feeling,a skill to let you pass some sense to others.You can through that to release what you wanna present.That is just the mean of dance for me,no matter what dressing what kind of dance steps. As me,I started my dancing life since I was 13.I stopped it due to my injuriess from two years ago.But I am getting better now,so I am gonna be back my dance stage soon.Hope My Mister allow me to.^^

Another random update here.As football fans,I think you all knows that there was a wonderful game yesterday.Arsenal vs Barcelona.My Mister is a Arsenal fever.But to me,my mainly is belong to Barcelona,vice is just for Arsenal.So yesterday I was just in a confusing situation.haha.But in the end, 2:1.Arsenal won.My tall handsome was so happy-ing.He dressed Arsenal jersey today and forced me to wear too.I think there have a unfairness.I should calls him to buy a Barcelona jersey with me just like what I did for him before.Ermmm.
But anyway,congrats to Arsenal.Good job.And my Barcelona,you done a good job too.^^

Okay,that's all for today AGAIN.^^

Lotsa love,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Love Hong Kong

Hi everyone.Ermmm..Actually not in a really good mood in this two days.Get know someone is leaving although I don't even know her and we are not in a good relation.But I just feels some sadness.I know this is weird and some people will just shout me hypocritically much.But that is just my feeling,so I just said out no matter what.Anyway,take care there and all the best for her.

Okay.Back to the topic.Went for movies time with My Mister after my exam today.Two movies:I Love Hong Kong and What Women Want.I am not really like I Love Hong Kong this movie.But I like the song since I know that original song before.So,so far so good.But I am still prefer 72 Tenants of Prosperity last year.As My Mister,he is more prefer the 'Slip Away' by Andy Lau from What Women Want. Haha.I don't know what I am saying.Okay,so just show time for the favoritesssss songsssssss(Sorry for just have the links and lyrics,since my network connection is so lag now).Enjoy^^

walking donw the street full of joy
come here come here rickshaw boy take me down the street
chow chow chow "howbar""howbar"
joe "dinghow""dinghow"
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
we like hong kong that's the place for you

 I hear the bells go ding dong deep down
inside my heart each time you say kiss me
then I know it's time to ding dong to start
each time you say hug me ding dong ding dong
each time you say love me ding dong ding dong
I hope I don't wait too long to hear
my bell go ding dong to hearmy bell go ding dong to
hear my bell go ding dong
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
I like hong kong that's the place for you 

作曲:Alforiso S.Garica
填詞:Alforiso S.Garica / 陸永
監製:鄧智偉 / 莊冬昕

記得 九七 回歸 你冇留低
今日咪又係個個返哂嚟 一家到齊
未死得依然 忙到日日冇停低
仲記得邊年 人人冇得食雞
一講禽流感 我見頭暈
幾十萬人遊行 政府頭痕
拎到張沙紙 即是失業人士
揸波子 逼巴士 都一齊捱過沙士
豪宅變屋仔 大市掂谷底
冇問題 今日撻低 聽日再發圍
香港人係 習慣咗一齊克服一切

Hong Kong I Like Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong ( We Like Hong Kong )
I Like Hong Kong ( I Like Hong Kong )
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you

個個懶開放 其實盟塞
投訴一條毛都要見 CEO
賜坐男 雞巴男 機場阿嬸
不過 一樣有高人 好似高錕
臥虎藏龍嘅市民 喺哂高登
我問 邊一次賑災我哋冇份
我問 同胞有難幾多人成晚冇瞓
同悲同喜 同聲同氣
香港地係我屋企 係我福氣

Hong Kong I Like Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong ( We Like Hong Kong )
I Like Hong Kong ( I Like Hong Kong )
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong I Like Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong ( We Like Hong Kong )
I Like Hong Kong ( I Like Hong Kong )
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you

Everytime I look into the mirror of my mind
I barely recognise the man I see
I feel the tide is turning and I'm stranded out at sea
I thought I could survive but reality has got a better part of me
If I could I would change my yesterday
I would listen to my heart
And then today I'd see what true love could be
And I won't let tomorrow
I won't let tomorrow slip away

If I could I would change my yesterda
I would listen to my heart
And then today I'd see what true love could be
And I won't let tomorrow
I won't let tomorrow slip away

That's all for today,peeps.
My Valentines Day will be the next post.
Stay tuned.

Lotsa love,

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hii my peeps.Just a randomsss post here.ermmm..Actually I am at my friend's housewarming currently.hahaha.It's fun here.Just same as the gathering before.Laugh-ings and cheer-ings are surrounding me^^.Everyone just so enjoying now.hahaha.INGSSSS!!!So just share my happiness to you all now through my I4 now.
Okay.Another update here.This afternoon went for dinner with my Mister and his lovely parent in his Lionel's Palace.Had a nice homecook foods in that moment.yummy yummy^^.
So that's all for today.Just a shortest update.I needa to continue my happy hour. :p
There will have some pictures for the housewarming gathering tonight.Please check it out my facebook tomorrow if you are interesting.

P/s:My deepest conlences.Stay strong my dear friend.Me will be here for you always when you needed.And RIP for Aunty.

So stay tuned my people.
See you all soon again.

Lotsa love,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Bunniesss Chinese New Year

Hi PEOPLE!!!Happy Bunniessss Chinese New Year!!!Yay Yaayyy..Have a great new year everyone??Me Yes!! Hahaha..Although that was really just so-so and not really that amazing to me but it was still so awesomenesss.Ermmm..For this year,my family member was added two more people.One is my cuteee nephew-Baby Andrew,another is My Handsome Mister.Heehee ^^

As usual,we went back my old old hometown for visiting my whole biggggg family on the Lunar New Year's Day.Why I will said whole biggggg ler?Cause it is really biggggg till you cant count it.hah.That was so sad that can't take a picture for all of GOOs.Too bad.I spent there for the whole day and so sad can't stay for overnight.By the way,it was a Happy Big Family Reunion.
Since we all waited for Leanne and Kenneth to come back,so for our reunion dinner was held on the second day of the bumper year.Steamboat night!!Yummy yummy..
The third day of New Year,My Mister came.Visited my aunty with my family after fetching My Handsome.Hung out for the whole day.Gambling time for My Mister,Goo,Kenneth and Daphne while watching movies at the night time.
And so on so on.Sorry for can't list all out.But in conclude,it was really wonderful to me.I had a good time spent with my family.^^

Now,I already back to my normal life.Need to get start to fight with my all battles. Examsss,assignmentsss.Stress-ing but I think I can handle it well just like past.

Okay,anyway,just show time.Enjoy with those happily pictures,peeps.Have more pictures on my facebook.Please check it out if you are interested.

My cute nephew,Baby Andrew^^

He started to suck his finger or others'.

The angpow from his gong gong.Scared he will eat along while he sucking his finger,so just put at his back.Funny picture.hahaha.

Oh ya.Forgotten to mention about this.I was been a model for Daphne to take some funnies pictures.Hahaha.

Promoting our car.Who wanna buy it??

There was so hot at outside.

Another aunty^^

One of my cousinssss

Prepared our reunion steamboat dinner.

Start eating.Yummy yummy.Aik!Where is daddy,uncle,Kenneth and Baby Andrew???

Oh..Drinking besides there..

Pity Daddy Kenneth.Take care of Baby Andrew in the room.Only can join us at the second

Dai Sou.

One big family.

Gong gong and Po po

Okay.That's all for today.
Stay tuned people.

Lotsa love,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Tall Mister's BigDay.30.01.2011

Heeloo..Yeahh!!! Finally finished posting the pictures of My Mister's birthday celebrationS.Tiredsss-ing..
Anyway,just a simply description here..
My Mister's birthday celebrationS have two.One was with his high school's friends,another one was with our uni's friends.
Lets start.

We celebrated My Mister's birthday in Delicious MARC,KL.We bought two spectacleS for him as a present.One for normal wear,another one for sport wear.And plus a handmade card by ME..hehehe..
Ermmm..That one looks yummy yummy is not a cake,it is Chocolicious Sundae by Delicious MARC.
After the dinner,we went for Zouk,KL,the club which My Mister prefer much.But too bad for that day,since the number 1 dj in Malaysia,DJGoldfish due to private stuff so cant spin for the party on that night.A little bit disappointed.
And so pity My Mister was kena poured those beer and wine by others.Luckily I knows how to drive.LOL
By the way,that is still a happy party.
Show time^^

My Handsome Mister^^

Candle nice not?



Thanks for the KISS^^

Handmade card by me

Thanks everyone for coming.You all just so amazing^^


The sweet couple^^

What are both of you doing???

Thanks for coming again.You all just so awesomee^^

Wish Wish Wish for ME : P

The spectacle from POLICE!!

the Spectacle

Oh ya.Forgot to mention about this place.We went for toilet after the dinner in Hotel Maya.This is the lobby.

Thanks for My Mister to take this picture for me.I like it.Too bad it can't let me play.Next time la My Mister. : P

Onnyee babe...<3

Amy babe..<3

They said this picture we look like King & Queen..Is it??

This is the another celebration for My Mister with our uni's friends.
Ermmm..For this celebration the present is a PORSCHE design and the one as you all know-handmade card again.hahaha..
We went for Jing Thai which is a restaurant owned by our friend.Ermmm..Just what the restaurant is as the name.Is a thai food restaurant.
After the dinner,we went for the Roti Boy to celebrate My Mister's birthday.
Another happy celebration.
Okay,show time again^^

The foods we ordered.yummy yummy.I like the spicy.

Don't doubt yourself.Yay..This is YuSheng..

First time lou yusheng with my uni's friends..I was so excited..LOU arrrr!!!!

My Tall Tall Mister^^

The babeS of that day..LOL

The handsomeS of that day..LOL


Westlife or Backstreet Boys???LOL

Black Angel for My Mister..hahaha..

Jing Thai

My Tall Mister scared scared?or too touched??

Wish Wish Wish again for ME!!!

Black Angel started their job..

So lucky My Mister escaped the trap..

But it was not so lucky every time..

The present and...

...the handmade card again..

Porsche RUN!!!!

I love this picture so muchhhh!!!
And I know I am tiny and cute,Latte..hahaha..
Thanks ya..

Okay,peeps.If you are interested,please check out My Tall Mister's facebook.There will be more pictures.
Anyway,this is the all about for My Mister's BigDay.
Stay tuned,people!!Will be more update in further.
Love ya.

P/S: And here,HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY to you again,My Handsome Mister-Lionel Yap.^^
     LOVE YOU always^^

Lotsa love,

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