Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Loveliest Valentines Day

Okay everyone.Finally,my Valentines Day was posted.This is the 1st valentines day that I spent with My Tall Handsome Mister
Ermm..Actually we didn't out for celebration,just simply ate at my home.Ya,I cooked.I know lots of people will so surprise since I seldom to cook at HERE.hahaha.And I know lotsa people will just envy with Mister Lionel.Especially Eric.You know I know.hahaha: P
Anyway,I just simply cooked since I had lotsa classes on that day,quite tired.So nothing really special also.Just had spaghetti,muffins,and mushroom soup.
I received a valentines gift from My Mister.But since we make deal before that just have a simply valentines without gift will do,so I really kept that promise.I am so sorry about that My Mister.Feels guity..
Okay la people.Just enjoy yourself with those pictures.Hope you all can feel that happiness and loveliness from what I wanted to share. 

I Love You,You Love Me.We are happy family.^^

Our Valentines Loveliness dinner

The Spagehtti.I know it looks so unpalatable. : P


 Thanks Willibrord Richard to take the picture for us.^^

My Valentines Present.♥ the wrapping paper so much!!!

Yuenyuen,Sozai and Daddy

See.My look just so TIRED.Scared by myself!!!

My very 1st REEBOK with kid teenage,M size.Oh my myyy.My Mister's laughter is just still around me.

Okay,people.Will back to here as soon as possible.
See you all soon.
Love ya

   Happy Loveliesss Valentines Day

Lotsa love,


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