Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Tall Mister's BigDay.30.01.2011

Heeloo..Yeahh!!! Finally finished posting the pictures of My Mister's birthday celebrationS.Tiredsss-ing..
Anyway,just a simply description here..
My Mister's birthday celebrationS have two.One was with his high school's friends,another one was with our uni's friends.
Lets start.

We celebrated My Mister's birthday in Delicious MARC,KL.We bought two spectacleS for him as a present.One for normal wear,another one for sport wear.And plus a handmade card by ME..hehehe..
Ermmm..That one looks yummy yummy is not a cake,it is Chocolicious Sundae by Delicious MARC.
After the dinner,we went for Zouk,KL,the club which My Mister prefer much.But too bad for that day,since the number 1 dj in Malaysia,DJGoldfish due to private stuff so cant spin for the party on that night.A little bit disappointed.
And so pity My Mister was kena poured those beer and wine by others.Luckily I knows how to drive.LOL
By the way,that is still a happy party.
Show time^^

My Handsome Mister^^

Candle nice not?



Thanks for the KISS^^

Handmade card by me

Thanks everyone for coming.You all just so amazing^^


The sweet couple^^

What are both of you doing???

Thanks for coming again.You all just so awesomee^^

Wish Wish Wish for ME : P

The spectacle from POLICE!!

the Spectacle

Oh ya.Forgot to mention about this place.We went for toilet after the dinner in Hotel Maya.This is the lobby.

Thanks for My Mister to take this picture for me.I like it.Too bad it can't let me play.Next time la My Mister. : P

Onnyee babe...<3

Amy babe..<3

They said this picture we look like King & Queen..Is it??

This is the another celebration for My Mister with our uni's friends.
Ermmm..For this celebration the present is a PORSCHE design and the one as you all know-handmade card again.hahaha..
We went for Jing Thai which is a restaurant owned by our friend.Ermmm..Just what the restaurant is as the name.Is a thai food restaurant.
After the dinner,we went for the Roti Boy to celebrate My Mister's birthday.
Another happy celebration.
Okay,show time again^^

The foods we ordered.yummy yummy.I like the spicy.

Don't doubt yourself.Yay..This is YuSheng..

First time lou yusheng with my uni's friends..I was so excited..LOU arrrr!!!!

My Tall Tall Mister^^

The babeS of that day..LOL

The handsomeS of that day..LOL


Westlife or Backstreet Boys???LOL

Black Angel for My Mister..hahaha..

Jing Thai

My Tall Mister scared scared?or too touched??

Wish Wish Wish again for ME!!!

Black Angel started their job..

So lucky My Mister escaped the trap..

But it was not so lucky every time..

The present and...

...the handmade card again..

Porsche RUN!!!!

I love this picture so muchhhh!!!
And I know I am tiny and cute,Latte..hahaha..
Thanks ya..

Okay,peeps.If you are interested,please check out My Tall Mister's facebook.There will be more pictures.
Anyway,this is the all about for My Mister's BigDay.
Stay tuned,people!!Will be more update in further.
Love ya.

P/S: And here,HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY to you again,My Handsome Mister-Lionel Yap.^^
     LOVE YOU always^^

Lotsa love,


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