Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Love Hong Kong

Hi everyone.Ermmm..Actually not in a really good mood in this two days.Get know someone is leaving although I don't even know her and we are not in a good relation.But I just feels some sadness.I know this is weird and some people will just shout me hypocritically much.But that is just my feeling,so I just said out no matter what.Anyway,take care there and all the best for her.

Okay.Back to the topic.Went for movies time with My Mister after my exam today.Two movies:I Love Hong Kong and What Women Want.I am not really like I Love Hong Kong this movie.But I like the song since I know that original song before.So,so far so good.But I am still prefer 72 Tenants of Prosperity last year.As My Mister,he is more prefer the 'Slip Away' by Andy Lau from What Women Want. Haha.I don't know what I am saying.Okay,so just show time for the favoritesssss songsssssss(Sorry for just have the links and lyrics,since my network connection is so lag now).Enjoy^^

walking donw the street full of joy
come here come here rickshaw boy take me down the street
chow chow chow "howbar""howbar"
joe "dinghow""dinghow"
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
we like hong kong that's the place for you

 I hear the bells go ding dong deep down
inside my heart each time you say kiss me
then I know it's time to ding dong to start
each time you say hug me ding dong ding dong
each time you say love me ding dong ding dong
I hope I don't wait too long to hear
my bell go ding dong to hearmy bell go ding dong to
hear my bell go ding dong
Kowloon Kowloon Hong Kong
I like hong kong that's the place for you 

作曲:Alforiso S.Garica
填詞:Alforiso S.Garica / 陸永
監製:鄧智偉 / 莊冬昕

記得 九七 回歸 你冇留低
今日咪又係個個返哂嚟 一家到齊
未死得依然 忙到日日冇停低
仲記得邊年 人人冇得食雞
一講禽流感 我見頭暈
幾十萬人遊行 政府頭痕
拎到張沙紙 即是失業人士
揸波子 逼巴士 都一齊捱過沙士
豪宅變屋仔 大市掂谷底
冇問題 今日撻低 聽日再發圍
香港人係 習慣咗一齊克服一切

Hong Kong I Like Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong ( We Like Hong Kong )
I Like Hong Kong ( I Like Hong Kong )
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you

個個懶開放 其實盟塞
投訴一條毛都要見 CEO
賜坐男 雞巴男 機場阿嬸
不過 一樣有高人 好似高錕
臥虎藏龍嘅市民 喺哂高登
我問 邊一次賑災我哋冇份
我問 同胞有難幾多人成晚冇瞓
同悲同喜 同聲同氣
香港地係我屋企 係我福氣

Hong Kong I Like Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong ( We Like Hong Kong )
I Like Hong Kong ( I Like Hong Kong )
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong I Like Hong Kong
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you
Hong Kong ( We Like Hong Kong )
I Like Hong Kong ( I Like Hong Kong )
We Like Hong Kong that’s the place for you

Everytime I look into the mirror of my mind
I barely recognise the man I see
I feel the tide is turning and I'm stranded out at sea
I thought I could survive but reality has got a better part of me
If I could I would change my yesterday
I would listen to my heart
And then today I'd see what true love could be
And I won't let tomorrow
I won't let tomorrow slip away

If I could I would change my yesterda
I would listen to my heart
And then today I'd see what true love could be
And I won't let tomorrow
I won't let tomorrow slip away

That's all for today,peeps.
My Valentines Day will be the next post.
Stay tuned.

Lotsa love,


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