Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hii my peeps.Just a randomsss post here.ermmm..Actually I am at my friend's housewarming currently.hahaha.It's fun here.Just same as the gathering before.Laugh-ings and cheer-ings are surrounding me^^.Everyone just so enjoying now.hahaha.INGSSSS!!!So just share my happiness to you all now through my I4 now.
Okay.Another update here.This afternoon went for dinner with my Mister and his lovely parent in his Lionel's Palace.Had a nice homecook foods in that moment.yummy yummy^^.
So that's all for today.Just a shortest update.I needa to continue my happy hour. :p
There will have some pictures for the housewarming gathering tonight.Please check it out my facebook tomorrow if you are interesting.

P/s:My deepest conlences.Stay strong my dear friend.Me will be here for you always when you needed.And RIP for Aunty.

So stay tuned my people.
See you all soon again.

Lotsa love,


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