Friday, February 25, 2011

When We Meet Together

Hii people.Went out with my Babes today.hahaha.Have a long time didn't hang out with them.Although only have three of us plus one "sister". : P  Anyway it's ok,we will hang out with ALL of us in the next time.I believe.Lol.We went for Neway and hang gaigai.Although it just have a few hours,but we just so enjoyed of that.We sang english,chinese and cantonese songs.Lucky with my babes.Cause they know all kind of songs.Your Bad Romance was making me feels so high.hahaha.It's ok.I Just like The Way You Are even you are a 坏人.We are so
After the chattime with my babes,I was accompany My Mister to attend his badminton competition.I am so proud of him!!!And it is always!!
So pictures show time^^
There will have more pictures on my Facebook.Please check it out if you are interested in.

 Sexy Babes!!!

I am so glad that all of us is using SMART phone.IPHONE 4 and HTC Desire. 
Missed another 2 IPHONE 4s from My Mister and my babe's darling. : P
Next time three couples of us should hang out together.


I love this picture so muchhhhh!!!

HI!Everyone!!This is just ME!!!

Guess guess Who Are Who We Are

The lovely couple 

My Mister is fighting for his glory.


Okay peeps.That's all for today.Will update again soon.
Love ya all^^

Lotsa love,


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