Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Bunniesss Chinese New Year

Hi PEOPLE!!!Happy Bunniessss Chinese New Year!!!Yay Yaayyy..Have a great new year everyone??Me Yes!! Hahaha..Although that was really just so-so and not really that amazing to me but it was still so awesomenesss.Ermmm..For this year,my family member was added two more people.One is my cuteee nephew-Baby Andrew,another is My Handsome Mister.Heehee ^^

As usual,we went back my old old hometown for visiting my whole biggggg family on the Lunar New Year's Day.Why I will said whole biggggg ler?Cause it is really biggggg till you cant count it.hah.That was so sad that can't take a picture for all of GOOs.Too bad.I spent there for the whole day and so sad can't stay for overnight.By the way,it was a Happy Big Family Reunion.
Since we all waited for Leanne and Kenneth to come back,so for our reunion dinner was held on the second day of the bumper year.Steamboat night!!Yummy yummy..
The third day of New Year,My Mister came.Visited my aunty with my family after fetching My Handsome.Hung out for the whole day.Gambling time for My Mister,Goo,Kenneth and Daphne while watching movies at the night time.
And so on so on.Sorry for can't list all out.But in conclude,it was really wonderful to me.I had a good time spent with my family.^^

Now,I already back to my normal life.Need to get start to fight with my all battles. Examsss,assignmentsss.Stress-ing but I think I can handle it well just like past.

Okay,anyway,just show time.Enjoy with those happily pictures,peeps.Have more pictures on my facebook.Please check it out if you are interested.

My cute nephew,Baby Andrew^^

He started to suck his finger or others'.

The angpow from his gong gong.Scared he will eat along while he sucking his finger,so just put at his back.Funny picture.hahaha.

Oh ya.Forgotten to mention about this.I was been a model for Daphne to take some funnies pictures.Hahaha.

Promoting our car.Who wanna buy it??

There was so hot at outside.

Another aunty^^

One of my cousinssss

Prepared our reunion steamboat dinner.

Start eating.Yummy yummy.Aik!Where is daddy,uncle,Kenneth and Baby Andrew???

Oh..Drinking besides there..

Pity Daddy Kenneth.Take care of Baby Andrew in the room.Only can join us at the second

Dai Sou.

One big family.

Gong gong and Po po

Okay.That's all for today.
Stay tuned people.

Lotsa love,


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